Fish's Masks - by Thomas Spitzer - Marillion Setlists Site 1980-1988
Fish's Masks - by Thomas Spitzer
Fish used to have a
painted face
while performing live on stage - from the very beginning of Marillions career until
the end of the "Real to Reel"-tour. In early interviews he said he was "too shy to sing to an audience" and decided to
"hide behind the Mask" - in fact the Dr. Faust-look strengthened his charismatic stage performance and made him
"one in a million"!
In 1985 the mask disappeared - like the jester on the "Misplaced Childhood"-cover! But what was it all about before that?
Just a mood of the moment... or did the mask express more than we see at first sight? Its quite unbelievable that
something happened by surprise - when its about Fish! A reason for me to look behind the mask...
Moles Club, Bath - 17.07.1982
Photo by James Stuart
She chameleon? No! HE chameleon!!
This photo shows Fish mask in the same colours as the
background of the Moles Club!
Thamesside Arena, Reading (Reading Rock '82) - 29.08.1982
Photo by AJ Samuels
The famous Reading Festival was one of the biggest open air festivals in the UK.
Marillion was ready for the big stage: they got attention nationwide and Fish told the audience that the band signed a
record deal with EMI.
A historic moment emphasised by Fish's Union Jack-mask:
blue, red, white!
Real To Reel was one of the longest tours for Marillion
so far - they played 40 shows all over europe - and the last
night belonged to their "homebase" Aylesbury.
It was final show in 1984, the last Friars appearance...
and one of the last masks!
After so many weired and colourful outfits soccer fan Fish
had a simple yellow/black mask which are - besides green
and white - the colours of local soccers Alyesbury United!
To avoid more interpretations and to get a first-class answer to all my questions I wrote an email to
Fish on Feb. 2nd 2004. He replied immediately... Thank you Fish!!! He knows... you know!
Hi Thomas,
Sorry I didn't pick the colours to suit "venue decor" but did occassionally go for specifics ie The
Union Jack and an RAF roundel in 81 at a base near Aylesbury.
Most of it was done on the spur of the moment and allowed
me a bit of "reflection" while daubing!:-)
Also on how stoned I was :-)))
Interesting site though! :-)
All the best, a now thankfully make up free Fish
(apart from film roles :-)